Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pure in Heart

I have been reading a new book recently titles, "Pure in Heart" by Dallin H. Oaks. I haven't gotten too far into the book yet, but I have already felt the prick of the spirit telling me that I need to do better.

I was struck most in the beginning where Dallin H. Oaks talked about our thought and our actions. He says that when this life is over, our actions will be examined and judged, but we must not forget that our thoughts, motives and desires will also be judged as well. i guess i was really taken aback by this. I'm not sure why because this is something I really should know, right? However, I couldn't help but think back and examine my life and the many thoughts and feelings I have had. Have a always thought kind things of others, have I made sure that my desires were righteous, have my motives been pure? I don't think I can give a resounding yes. I know I'm not perfect, but I also know I can do much better. I want to be much more careful about my thoughts. I think in order to do that I really need to examine who I really am. What kind of a person have a become thus far? To quote from the book, "Elder Spencer W. Kimball elaborated on this principle in a chapter titled, "As a Man Thinketh." He referred to "our thought sins," which "are recorded in heaven." As to this, he taught: A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts." That really puts things into perspective, doesn't it? Our character is literally defined by the complete sum of all his thoughts. I guess I will spend the next month really examining my thoughts and finding out my true character.